Progressive Nation has partnered with CallHub to offer our clients the same CallHub experience on a dedicated server with a discount.

Outbound Call Center Software


Now SHAKEN/STIR compliant

Choose from multiple virtual automated dialers, have authentic conversations using personalization features and sync data in real-time with your contact management platform.


Choose from a range of auto-dialers that automate the repetitive parts of a call so agents spend more time talking and less time placing calls. Automatically dial contacts one at a time with a Power Dialer or maximize talk time for your agents with a Predictive Dialer.

Voice Broadcasting


Voice broadcasting software will call a list of contacts and play your message when the person answers the phone. You can choose to broadcast a different message when an answering machine answers the phone.

Tell people your message and let them press-1 or any number between 0 & 9, to transfer calls to an agent, to take a sign, to volunteer, or anything you'd like (and automatically tag them based on their selection).

SMS and Text Message Marketing

Text message marketing makes sure your messages are seen and read. Send out a text to thousands at once with mass texting, collect phone numbers by letting people opt-in, or engage people in a 2-way conversation.